
Selayang Pandang

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

All praise be to Allah SWT, who has bestowed His mercy and guidance, enabling the Faculty of Computer Science at UPN “Veteran” Jakarta to continue contributing to the effort of preparing an excellent generation for Indonesia. The presence of the Faculty of Computer Science in this global era is undoubtedly crucial for Indonesia to accelerate national development. Computer Science in the era of Society 5.0 and the current era of disruption holds a very significant position. Through the Tridharma activities of Higher Education, the Faculty of Computer Science at UPN “Veteran” Jakarta has proven its excellence through continuous processes.

At the end of 2023, the Informatics Bachelor’s Program and the Information Systems Bachelor’s Program obtained international accreditation certificates from FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), based in Germany. With these certificates, the Faculty of Computer Science is qualified to be compared with international-level educational institutions.

Thanks are conveyed to all parties who have directly or indirectly contributed to the achievement of the 8th Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of State Universities (international accreditation), especially lecturers, educational staff, and students. As a campus dedicated to the nation, the success in obtaining international accreditation is a motivation for us to continue nurturing the spirit of nation-building through education. Armed with the values of THINK (Professionalism, Integrity, Struggle, Innovative, and Responsive), the Faculty of Computer Science at UPN “Veteran” Jakarta is determined to continue contributing to enlightening the nation.

To provide excellent service, FIK has also received recognition for implementing the Integrity Zone from the Ministry of Education and Culture. With the spirit of “FIK as Agents of Change, FIK with Integrity, FIK in Service,” FIK aims to be a Corruption-Free Zone and a Clean and Service-Oriented Bureaucratic Zone.

To support the achievement of a Clean Bureaucratic Zone and a Clean and Service-Oriented Bureaucratic Zone, this website is expected to provide information to the public so that faculty policies, academic information, and the Tridharma activities of Higher Education can promptly reach the community. Constructive suggestions and feedback are highly expected for improvements in the next phase.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriyanto, ST., M.Sc., IPM

To become an excellent, competitive, innovative computer science faculty in the field of information and communication technology at the national level with a national identity in 2025.


  1. Producing superior graduates, mastering theory and applying information and communication technology to strengthen national resilience.
  2. Producing innovative, competitive and superior research based on information and communication technology in order to support national resilience.
  3. Optimizing the use of information and communication technology in the aspects of social and state life in order to improve community welfare.

History of Faculty of Computer Science

The history of the Faculty of Computer Science UPN “Veteran” Jakarta cannot be separated from the history of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta itself. Before becoming an independent higher education institution, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta has a long history of history, namely based on the Notary Act R. Kardiman Number: 14 dated January 7, 1963, the Development Cadre Development Institute (LPKP) established 3 (three) academies, namely: 1) Bank Academy; 2) Textile Academy; and 3) Academy of Commercial Shipping Administration “Yos Sudarso”.

In 1967, the three academies were integrated into PTPN Veteran under the name PTPN Veteran Jakarta Branch through the Decree of the Minister of Veterans Affairs and Demobilization of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 09 / Kpts / Menved / 1967, dated February 21, 1967. Then based on the Decree of the Menhankam / Pangab Number: Skep / 1555/1977 dated 30 November 1977 PTPN “Veteran” Jakarta changed its name to the Jakarta Branch of the National Development University (UPN) “Veteran”.

In 1980, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Branch added its education program, namely the Information and Computer Engineering Expert Education (PATIK) with a Diploma 3 education level. The Jakarta Branch of UPN “Veteran” Expert Education and Computer Program is one of the many educational programs public interest, because at that time informatics and computer engineering education programs were still very rare in the Jakarta and surrounding areas.

Over time, in 1993, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Branch became an independent university based on the Minister of Defense and Security Decree Number: Kep / 03 / II / 1993 dated 27 February 1993 consisting of 3 (three) Faculties that held an Undergraduate Education Program and D-III with the status of “Official”. On May 1, 1995, based on the Decree of the Chancellor of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta Number: Skep / 031 / V / 1995 concerning the Change of the Faculty of Engineering into three faculties, namely: 1) Faculty of Industrial Technology; 2) Faculty of Computer Science; and 3) Faculty of Marine Technology which was followed by the issuance of the Minister of Education and Culture Decree No. Kep./017.018.019/D/0/1995 regarding the change of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta, which was originally a university with the status of “official” turned into a private university with the status of “SAMEED “For all Diploma 3 education levels, and” REGISTERED “status for all undergraduate education levels.

Based on the instruction of the Minister of Defense and Security Number: Inst / 01 / II / 1996 dated February 6, 1996 concerning the Implementation of the Delegation of Authority and Responsibility for the Development of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta to the Kejuangan Panglima Besar Sudirman Foundation (YKPBS), then UPN “Veteran” Jakarta which was originally his guidance under the Ministry of Defense and Security was transferred to YKPBS. After 12 years of guidance by YKPBS, in 2008 the management of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta was transferred to the Education and Housing Welfare Foundation (YKPP) based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights R.I. Number: AHU-103.AH.01.05 of 2008 dated 17 January 2008.

On October 6, 2014, based on Presidential Regulation Number 120 of 2014 concerning the Establishment of UPN “Veteran” Jakarta, UPN “Veteran” Jakarta changed from a private university (PTS) to a state university (PTN) under the guidance of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.