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Dr. Bambang Saras Yulistiawan, S.T., M.Kom

Dosen S1 Sistem Informasi / Wakil Dekan II

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Identitas Diri

1 Nama Dr. Bambang Saras Yulistiawan, S.T., M.Kom
2 NIP/NIDN 197807072009121004/0107077801
3 Kompetensi/Kepakaran Information System Engineering, Data Science, IT Governance.
4 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor 200
5 Alamat Surel bambangsarasyulistiawan@upnvj.ac.id
6 Id Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E62gpacAAAAJ
7 Id Shinta https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6790551
8 Id Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57191155591
9 Linkedin https://id.linkedin.com/in/bambang-yulistiawan-b28a53a8


Associate Degree Undergraduate Master Doctoral
University Universitas Sumatera Utara Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Harapan Medan Universitas Putra Indonesia “YPTK” Padang BINUS University
Field of Study Computer of Science Informatics Engineering Magister Komputer, Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Bisnis
Duration 1996-1999 2001-2002 2008-2010 2013-2018
Thesis Pengembangan Sistem Produksi Lapangan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (PTPN 3) Pengembangan Sistem Realisasi Anggaran Tunai PT. PLN (Persero)-Wilayah II Sumatera Utara Identifikasi Korban Bencana melalui Data Post Mortem dan Ante Mortem dengan Sistem Pakar Influence Of e-Government Strategy, IT Strategy, and IT Leadership to The Maturity Of Government Institutions On Implement e-Government In Technical Implementation Units Ministry Of Education and Culture Of The Republic Of Indonesia